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- Q. Who owns Memorial Park Cemetery?
A. Surprisingly, no one owns the Cemetery. Like other nonprofit corporations, we are governed by a Board of Trustees. - Q. When I buy a grave, crypt, or niche, do I own it?
A. No. You are purchasing the interment rights only. You determine who can be interred in your location. The land is owned by the Cemetery. - Q. If my spouse and I are cremated, can we both go in the same grave?
A. Yes. We permit two urns per grave. - Q. Will you remove decorations that are in a vase?
A. No. As long as decorations remain in a permanently installed in-ground vase or on an upright monument, and are not unsightly, they will not be removed. - Q. Why don’t you have services at the gravesite?
A. Unlike most cemeteries, we have enclosed chapels where services are conducted. This is much more convenient, comfortable and safer, especially for the elderly attending, and when weather is a factor on the day of the service. - Q. Why do some sections have only flat markers?
A. When the sections were developed, the Park wanted to offer a variety of options be it upright monuments or lawn-level garden memorialization. The particular section or area will determine the type of memorial permitted. - Q. After someone is buried, when will there be grass on the grave?
A. Since we do not grass-seed, sod is installed in late fall/early winter. With the colder prevailing temperatures and adequate moisture, we are able to guarantee it being done properly. - Q. Do I need a vault to be buried in?
A. Although vaults are not required by law, they are a requirement of the Cemetery. The primary reason is to support the earth above the casket thereby preventing the ground from sinking. - Q. Do you offer assistance to low-income families?
A. Yes. We are willing to work with all families regardless of income. Contact our office to further discuss payment arrangements. - Q. Does your Cemetery offer special arrangements for veterans?
A. Yes. Any honorably discharged veteran is entitled to many benefits. Please speak with one of our advisors to discuss these options.